samedi 7 février 2015

Garlic in Olive Oil

We put several cloves of garlic in Olive Oil and stuck it in the fridge. The garlic was not pressed or anything, just peeled and placed in the oil and then placed in the fridge. The next day it was taken out and was left out for approximately 4 days at room tempertature. We made lunch today and cut up several of the oiled garlics and was sprinkled on top of the dish when done and we ate it. We were told that once you peel garlic it looses it's medicinal purposes after couple of days or something. I was trying to look up the amount of days that it takes to lose it's medicinal purpose and ran across botulism and became extremely concerned and worried. My question is.. Are we in danger for botulism? If not good, if so, is there anything we can do naturally to prevent getting the botulism? What should we do? Thanks

Worried :( .....

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