samedi 21 février 2015

New Years Treat of Kozenach

Many years ago (at least 50) my dear Babuska and Auntie used to make something called "Kozenach" on New Years Eve. At the stroke of midnight our entire family would drink champagne and eat this wonderful desert. This desert consisted of the best freshest pure honey my father could find from his beekeeper friends and walnuts that we all would crack open carefully so as not to get the shells in. The women would prepare these 2 ingredients by cooking them together and spreading them on many plates because everyone ate this like it was the best thing in the world, it was, and it was also very healthy for you. My question is this. This was a Russian dish but people of different ethnicities (Armenians, Russians, Germans, etc.,) also enjoyed it very much. I have tried to find the elder women who are still alive who made it, but unfortunately their touch and memory is not there. It is the same for homemade "halva" which is totally and unfortunately not the same that is sold in stores, pre-made or even made at the stores. I used to make this but again, my memory and my own receipes are lost (this receipe is basically making a rou and adding sugar water). To make you all really laugh, my Mother used to take raw egg yolks, put granulated sugar in the raw egg yolk and beat the heck of of it in a cup by hand until it turned to a silky light yellow color, forming ribbon peaks (called Googley-Moogley) which I still make with my mixer. She not only fed it to me but to my sons who are in their 30's and now tells me what about my granddaughters eating this? Oh well. Does anyone have any clue or has anyone experienced this wonderful sweet of my childhood called "Kozenach"? If so, let me know so that I can figure out what to do and how to prepare this simple but complicated sweet of only 2 ingredients ("Kozenach). I have looked all over the internet, asked friends, gone to church and now am asking all of you for help. "Help". Thank you all for any help you are able to give me.

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