mercredi 25 février 2015

Pork Tenderloin Safe to eat?

I bought a 4 pound pork tenderloin and put it immediately in the freezer. It was there a week or so. Then I took it out and placed it on the counter Monday night to thaw. I don't have central heat and my internal thermometer hasn't gotten above 40-45 in days. I forgot about the tenderloin for about 20 hours. I was prescribed a medication that made me rather violently ill the last two days. When I remembered on Tuesday evening, I ran and grabbed it and threw it in the fridge. It was cool (like it had been in the fridge) to the touch. It was vacuum packed. I took it out today to roast after asking for advice in a group I am in. Everyone there said it would be fine. I even read that the door in a fridge can get up to 59 degrees, so food stored there spoils faster. I opened the roast and it had a slight smell. I rinsed it and there was zero smell. It is not slimy. It isn't stinky. Think it's okay to roast and eat?

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