jeudi 26 février 2015

Peanut Butter substitute in baking

I love to bake and have come across several peanut butter recipes (cakes, cookies, even a multi-layered/multi-component [cake & cheesecake layers] cake) that sound really good. My problem is I don't like baking things I can't eat (a little selfish I know :D), and peanut butter HATES me. I love it, but it makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and die.

Is there anything that behaves the same as peanut butter that I can substitute? I know it will change the flavor drastically and for most recipes it won't be a problem. I know I can use other nut butters, but I'm asking if there are other alternatives. I know Nutella (flavor-wise) can be substituted for most peanut butter baking recipes, but the texture is different so I don't think it behaves exactly the same (especially if I'm trying to make cookies where that would matter more than cake).

What about cookie butter? Would that behave the same as peanut butter (assuming I decrease the sugar required)?

I read Is it possible to subsititute nutella for peanut butter?, but it's very vague with its question.

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