jeudi 19 février 2015

term for the fact that's easier to mix 2 things if the amount are different

I am asking this for a friend because we cannot find the answer in google (but did learn a lot about cocaine, dj mixers, bread, concrete and ligers).

seems like there must be a term/principle/something for this thing: it's easier to mix cocoa powder into a tiny bit of water than a whole cup of water it's easier to blend two things of diff. textures or consistencies or forms when the amounts of each type are quite different? when the wet thing is much less? for example: in making this tea blend that involves two main textures: powder and granules it's easier to mix the powder with the granules when i do all the powder at once and just a small amount of granules then add that mixed to the rest of granules what are the words for this?

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