vendredi 20 mars 2015

Any chefs/ amateur chefs out there who would be interested in an innovative new food magazine?

Dear food enthusiasts,

I'm working on a magazine that I hope to launch sometime next year. We're in the preliminary stages at the moment, and I was wondering if any of you could help with homing our reader and letting me know if there is anything you feel you are missing from the magazines currently out there. This is of course a risky venture and we want to find the people who we hope will get something from our magazine in order to find out exactly what they want to see.

We have a short survey up on survey monkey which I'd love to share (not sure if it is against the forum's policy), so please let me know if you have a spare 3 mins or so and wouldn't mind filling it in and I will send you the link.

So, do any of you buy food magazines? Is there anything you think you are missing from them? What would you like to see in a food magazine for people who know how to cook?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tim

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