jeudi 25 décembre 2014

How to prevent cheese and certain other products from stinking up my fridge?

Certain food products have a very strong odor, that may not seem annoying at all when I buy them, but become very much apparent after I keep them in the fridge for a few hours.

For example these kind products:

  • roquefort cheese

  • liver pâté

  • pretty much any kind of meat pâté

My fridge is quite new, kept clean, and normally doesn't smell, only when I buy these products. I don't keep these products for a long time, I always eat them within 2-3 days, but I cannot prevent the bad smell from lasting about a week, after which it naturally dissipates.

I tried wrapping the products in double-bags and inside sealed plastic boxes but it didn't make a big difference. I also keep a few trays of baking soda in the fridge, but that doesn't seem to help much either. What else can I do?

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